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High Vibe Energy Tribe

Meet your Star Family!


Date & time Jun 3, 8:00 PM
Event ends Jun 3, 9:30 PM
Creator Eva van Zeeland

Who's attending

Eva van Zeeland ONE LOVE


Meet your Star Family!

Where am I from? Where was I before I went to earth? Who is my galactic family? If you are curious for more insight, I invite you to a special event! From the 5D Café, every Monday at 20:00, we will make multidimensional contact together every first Monday of the month:

Monday, June 3

We use the CE5 protocol (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) by Dr. Steven Greer. He is a well-known proponent of the idea that there is extraterrestrial life and that there has already been contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations. Through consciousness expansion and meditation, we can then make contact with extraterrestrial beings.

The program is as follows:
20:00 - Welcome and explanation
20:15 - Meditation
20:45 - Invite Star Family
21:15 - Sharing experience
21:30 - Closing

What do you need:
- Computer or laptop with Zoom
- Camera and microphone (turned off during meditation)
- Headphones
- Quiet area
- Positive intentions
- Open heart

Eva van Zeeland will guide the session and answer all your questions. See you on April 8th!

Join here for free >>

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